Learning German - Lesson 37 and Dativ Kasus
Hallo! One more new update of the Learning German series! Today I bring how to use separable verbs (Trennbare Verben) and a summary of...

Learning German - Lesson 36 and cheatsheets for remembering declensions
Hallo! One more new update of the Learning German series! This is what I have for you today: Lesson 36 - Personal Pronouns in Dativ And...

Learning German - Lessons 22 to 35 and more!
Hallo! One more new update of the Learning German series! This is what I have for you today: Lessons 22, 23 & 34 - The Time & Time...

Recursos y consejos para aprender Japonés para Hispanohablantes
こんにちは! ¿Eres hispanohablante y quieres empezar a aprender japonés? Este post es para indicarte cómo empecé yo y cómo pretendo continuar....

Learning German - First 21 lessons! Happy Easter!
Hallo! Frohe Ostern! (Happy Easter!) New update of the Learning German series! I have rearranged all the notes that I have already taken...

Learning German - Lesson 4: Introducing yourself & Grammar: Where do you come from?
Hallo! I've got a new post for you about learning German! This time I bring you my Lesson 4 - Introducing yourself and some Grammar -...

Learning German - Lessons 1, 2 & 3: Greetings, Common phrases and The numbers
Hallo! Since you're reading this, I'm guessing you have decided to learn German. If this is not your case, please stop lazing around and...

Pointers in C/C++ - Use Terms / Punteros en C/C++ - Reglas de Uso
First in English, then in Spanish. Hello world! Today I bring you a brief summary of the rules for using pointers in C/C++. The rules...